Quick Update Minus Video :(

Sorry for the delay in videos! The internet is super slow.

But – we went to Buddha Park today – the coolest thing to see in Vientiane and possibly one of the coolest things that I’ve seen so far.

En route there- we took Bus #14 from the main bus station… I initially didn’t get a seat – but they pack these buses and they squeeze people onto makeshift seats if they can – especially girls – and being an asian girl – I got priority over some of the other latecoming passengers.

So – they stuck me up front in between the driver and two other girls. I have no idea what they were saying when they were directing me… but pointing and hand gestures served just fine!

And today served as another example of how I fail in terms of being a Korean who doesn’t speak Korean.

I spoke with this Japanese man (who began speaking to me in Mandarin) asking me if I was Chinese – I told him that I was “han guo ren” (Korean) and he got really excited and grabbed his Korean friend to come over and chit chat… oops.

Oh well. Maybe Becky Echevarria will teach me someday!- At time of posting in Vientiane, it was 84.2 °F -

Humidity: 74% | Wind Speed: 2km/hr | Cloud Cover: scattered clouds

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