“Don’t Invade Eastern Europe in the Winter.”

The theme of our trip in Ukraine

It’s about to begin again. This will be our largest group of travelers to our coldest itinerary with 6 days in single digit Fahrenheit weather (uhm, 18 people died last week in Ukraine’s cold snap) through the most depressing sights in Ukraine and Poland. They used to say “Don’t invade Russia in the winter.” Well, this will be our closest chance to do so.

A lot more crazy people are going this time: Krystle heads to Kiev first today, alone. 

The next day it’s a group of 9 that’ll meet her in Kiev: Mandy, Maria, Olgi, Jennifer, Simon, Andrew, Ruchika, Alana, and Ying

Then they take an overnight bus to Odessa where they’ll meet Carolyn, who’s coming in from London and the 5 final others to officially begin the trip: Ry, Jan, Cynthia, Charmant, and myself

The 16 of us (hopefully) finally take an overnight train back up to Kiev where we rendezvous with Gareth (yes, the same one from Iran and North Korea) of Young Pioneer Tours to head on out westwards into Poland.

The theme of our trip in Poland

But you don’t care about that. You care about what we’re about to see. You care about this funny little thing called “dark tourism.” And some of you might care whether or not we’re nervous about what’s to come.

Perhaps. But that’s part of the fun, right?

Wish us luck.

- At time of posting in New York City, Central Park, it was 35.6 °F -

Humidity: 53% | Wind Speed: 11km/hr | Cloud Cover: overcast

...and they're off!
Monsoon Watch

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